ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra
(Hosted by CREED)
Ariyalur District, Tamil Nadu
1 | Title of Innovation | : | Production and utilization of liquid manure made farming profitable and sustainable | |
2 | Thematic Area | : | Integrated Farming System | |
3 | Profile of the Innovator | |||
Name and Address | : | Mr.V.Tamilarasan S/o Vadivel 696 D, Bharathiyar Nagar Ariyalur Ariyalur District – 621704 | ||
Mobile Number | : | 9865287772 | ||
Age of the farmer (Years) | : | 50 | ||
Educational Qualification | : | B.Lit, ITI | ||
Land ownership (ac) | : | 8 acres | ||
Crops grown | : | Tuberose (3 ac) + Marigold (1ac) +Paddy (1ac) + Vegetables (1ac) + Dairy unit( 11 Milch cow) + Goat (8 Nos.)+ Fodder + Azolla + Vermicompost + Fish (1ac) + Honey bee rearing | ||
Farming Experience (Years) | : | 20 |
4. Problem/Challenge addressed:
Generally the farmers are collecting cow dung from cattle shed and stores in a heap for decomposition for atleast three months and applied in the field through broadcasting before last ploughing, Here a valuable resource from cattle shed i.e.urine is wasted or not properly utilized. More over the nutrients in the decomposed Farm Yard Manure is also goes as waste when it is broadcasted.
The increasing cost of chemical fertilizers poses serious threats to farmers that too the water soluble fertilizers costs very high. Continuous use of chemical fertilizers without addition of organic matter led to reduced productivity in long run,
problems were addressed by the innovation developed by Mr.V.Tamilarasan.
5. Description of Innovative practice/ Technology
Mr.V.Tamilarasan is an innovative progressive farmer is practicing Integrated Farming System in his farm. He is cultivating horticultural crops like Tuberose, Marigold, Vegetables, field crops like Paddy and Fodder cops. He is also having livestock components like Dairy and Goat, Production and utilization of Azolla and Vermicompost, Honey bee rearing and Fish rearing are the points of attraction in his farm. By adopting this IFS model and cropping he is becoming successful farmers of the locality and is very well established and known farmer of the village. He is now a source of inspiration for all the other farmers of the locality for improving their livelihood.
The principle behind his innovative technology is recycling and effective use of the wastes like cow dung and cow urine from the cattle shed. The cow dung and cow urine carefully collected from the cattle shed is filtered for residues, enriched with micro organisms by allowing for 12 hrs fermentation & sedimentation process. To facilitate this process he has constructed three consecutive tanks (cement works) and by series of process the cow dung and urine is converted into effective liquid manure.
Then the liquid manure is directly pumped to the tuberose field through drip and fertigation method and through PVC pipelines to paddy field to reduce the man power and cost of cultivation.The cost of the construction of this permanent sustainable liquid manure unit is higher around Rs.75,000.
6. Practical Utility
The digested materials and effective micro organisms in the liquid organic manure (i.e, cow dung and urine) helped the farmer to reduce the half of the cost of fertilizer application in the due course of one year time. Previously he was using water soluble fertilizer like urea 5 kg, 19:19:19 complex 5kg at 10 days interval through drip for an acre. Now he is using urea 5 kg, 19:19:19 complex 5 kg at 30 days interval only. Cost of fertilizer dose was @Rs.775 per time i.e, Rs.2,325/month for fertigation previously but now it is only Rs.775/month for fertigation. He noticed and revealed that in the period of one year there was a good improvement in soil characters, beneficial micro organisms and earthworm population in the soil. There was reduction in Nematode infestation and disease like root rot incidence. Through sprinkler irrigation the thrips population in the tuberose was also minimized. More over it has helped the crops to grow healthy and withstand the hot weather periods.
Fig 1. Increase in Tuberose yield due to the application of enriched liquid organic manure at the farm of Mr.V.Tamilarasan, Ariyalur Dt., Tamil Nadu |
7. Source of Information
Mr.V.Tamilarasan was first inspired by the speech of Mr.Nammalvar, Environmental Activist, Philosopher and Organic farming expert who spreads Ecological farming & Organic farming in Tamil Nadu in a bigger way. Afterwards Mr.V.Tamilarasan came to our KVK to gather more information about the Integrated Farming System and effective recycling of cattle wastes. The Scientists in the KVK has explained about the IFS model through trainings and demonstration in the KVK farm. Then he came up with the model of cost effective long term sustainable liquid manure production unit from cattle resource (i.e, cow dung and cow urine) and after slight modification suggested by our KVK he has established this unit. Now this model is working very well and the same model is being functioning at instructional farm of KVK, Ariyalur to showcase the effectiveness of this technology to larger number of farmers.
Initially, he started production of liquid manure unit in a small 200 litres capacity barrel tank by adding cow dung 10 kg, cow urine 25 lit, 2kgs of Jaggery and then adding water to the remaining portion. By seeing the uses of the liquid manure, he shifted the production to a big cement tank capacity of 500 litres. Again after increasing the cattle population to 11 numbers now he has established a liquid manure recycling cement tank capacity of 9900 litres (Tank Size 10 x 9 x 6 cubic feet).
8. Details of scientific verification
ICAR-KVK, Ariyalur is rendering technical guidance to Mr.V.Tamilarasan since he started Integrated farm development and especially in construction of liquid manure production unit and its usage to different crops, we are recording the earthworm population of the soil from July 2016 to till date and it is depicted in the following figure.
The farmer was advised to reduce the periodicity of chemical fertilizers from three times per month to only one time per month. At the same time, it was observed that the yield increase was noticed sizeably. Hence this is evident that the microbial activity is also increased to make the nutrients available to plants.
9. Funding Support
He has availed the funding support given by Fedaral Bank and availed subsidies from Department of Horticulture, Ariyalur District to micro irrigation structures and erection of shadenets. The details are as follows :
S.No | Year | Name of the Donar/Lender | Amount(Rs.) | Subsidy amount | Loan Repayment |
1 | 2016 | Fedaral Bank, Thanjavur branch | 20 lakhs | — | 30% completed Repayment period – 7years |
2 | 2016 | Department of Horticulture, Ariyalur | 2.5 lakhs – Drip Irrigation | 2 lakhs (75%) | — |
10. Economics/ profitability of innovative practice/technology (costs and return)
(per intervention or area or household)
Crop | Area | Yield | Gross Income (Rs.) | Expenditure (Rs.) | Net Income(Rs.) | BCR |
Tuberose | 3ac | 32.4 ton | 19,44,000 | 3,46,917 | 15,97,083 | 5.60 |
Marigold | 1 ac | 4.5 ton | 90,000 | 27,000 | 63,000 | 3.33 |
Paddy | 1ac | 3.15 ton | 50,400 | 25,000 | 25,400 | 2.01 |
Vegetables | 1ac | 13.15 ton | 1,89,000 | 52,400 | 1,36,600 | 3.60 |
Dairy | 11 Nos. | 8100 lit | 2,02,500 | 39,440 | 1,63,060 | 5.13 |
Fish | 1ac | 900 kg | 1,35,000 | 29,000 | 1,06,000 | 4.65 |
Total | 26,10,900 | 5,19,757 | 20,91,143 | 5.02 |
11. Potential : Acceptance level, horizontal spread of innovation and number of farmer
Totally 278 farmers and farm women were visited to his farm from various villages like Ponparappi, Thirumanur, Kuvagam, Sembiyakudi, Mallur, Sendurai, Jayankondam and Nagamangalam etc. Out of 278 farmers 28 farmers have adopted and started this model in small drum system. He is the Master Trainer of our KVK for Integrated Farming System. His success in this waste utilization and IFS technology was broadcasted and disseminated through All India Radio, Karikal on 15.04.17 and 23.09.17 and he has received phone calls from 75 farmers belonging to six district in TamilNadu viz., Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Ariyalur, Perambalur and Karikal. He has shared his success in IFS and motivating the other farmers to adopt this technology
He has supplied Azolla seed materials to 154 farmers and fodder slips to 42 farmers at nominal price
12. Whether registered/patented
Not yet patented. But ICAR-KVK, Ariyalur is taking measures to scientifically validate this technology further and will be applied for patent.
13. Recognitions received for innovative practice/ technology.
- He has also received appreciation from District Collector, Ariyalur District Mrs.G.Lakshmi Priya, IAS during her visit to his farm on 19.07.2017.
- Dr.Y.G.Prasad, Director, ATARI, Zone X, Hyderabad, during field visit on 06.12.2017.
- His Success story was published in Dinakaran Daily News paper on 21.12.2017.
14. Additional Information, if any
- Production of oyster mushroom in his mushroom unit with a capacity of 20kg/day will be commenced from the month of January, 2018.
- To develop tuberose cultivation farmers in the nearby villages and formation of commodity group and supply the tuberose flowers to Bangalore market and export to other countries through Thiruchirapalli Airport, which is situated at a distance of 60 km from Ariyalur.
- His future plan is value addition in milk namely flavoured milk and popularization of traditional food like minor millets.
15. Illustrate with high quality photos with caption, tables, graph
Dairy Unit | Liquid manure filtration unit |
Liquid Manure filteration unit | Supply of liquid manure directly through pipeline to paddy field along with irrigation water |
Tuberose field | Fish pond |
Azolla unit | Bee Keeping unit |
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